All new members are entitled to 1 FREE trial session in our regular classes
Once you join Spectrum you will be emailed a welcome form, please fill this in and return before your first paid lesson. Invoices will be sent in advance of the term and payments must be made by the deadline in order to secure your space in the club
Please note: We do not accept cheques
Siblings are entitled to a 10% discount and our SGA Squads are subsidised depending on how many hours they train
When you first join SGA Academy there will be a one off joining Fee of £60.00 this includes:
First Girls Club Rainbow Leotard/Boys Bodice and Shorts
All BAGA Badges and Certificates throughout the year
Club Affiliation to British Gymnastics
Club Affiliation to South East Gymnastics
Club Affiliation to Kent Gymnastics
Every September an Annual Club Membership fee of £25.00 will be included in your invoice to affiliate your child with Spectrum for the upcoming year
British Gymnastics Membership/Insurance:
Every gymnast must be registered with British Gymnastics and hold current Insurance. New rules have now come into place which states that all members will need to register themselves online with BG and pay for their own Insurance.
You can find a link HERE to the BG Insurance page.